Jovenel Moise News Updates & Messages

Let's talk about Haiti President Jovenel Moise and his administration, read what Haitians are saying about President Jovenel Moise, stay up-to-date with what is happening inside the Jovenel Moise administration. If you have any comments and suggestions for the Jovenel Moise Administration post it here.

The Haitian government decided to repait the Hospital in Port-de-Paix almost immediately after the earthquake hit the... more »
Topic, 10/09/18 11:00 AM
Haitian President Jovenel Moise and prime minister Jean Henry Ceant paid a visit to the people in the Northern Haiti... more »
Topic, 10/09/18 9:48 AM
Haitian President Jovenel Moise and prime minister Jean Henry Ceant paid a visit to the people in the Northern Haiti... more »
Topic, 10/09/18 9:25 AM
I want to say thanks for all the good work that I saw you doing in Haiti. I am from in the north part of Haiti and I lived in the states since 2011... more »
-sauveur Jean Charles, 10/04/18 6:48 PM
I think he is trying really hard to overcome all that corruption that are exist in this country.He is willing and determine to help but those who... more »
Jacques, 10/01/18 8:05 PM
It's a inculpé by the law he need to be in jail more »
Jhonny Jean-baptiste, 10/01/18 5:53 PM
Look at this photo... Ministers, State Secretaries, and other high ranking officials in Haiti line up at Haiti's... more »
Topic, 09/29/18 10:08 AM
If I had the power to influence the Haitain's politicians, I would ask them to amend the constitution in Haiti so you could get a second term rigt... more »
Enock Elie, 09/29/18 8:58 AM
Who would've thought this possible? Eddy Jackson Alexis, the former cabinet member of ex president Jocelerme Privert... more »
Topic, 09/29/18 8:22 AM
If Haiti keeps paying foreigners to come build roads for us at the rate of two million US dollars per kilometer, we... more »
Topic, 09/28/18 11:54 AM