Varreux power plant Haiti

Haiti Electricity - President Jovenel Moise visits Varreux Power Plant

Haiti Electricity - President Jovenel Moise visits Varreux Power Plant

On Monday December 16, 2019, Haitian president Jovenel Moise visited one of the Varreux power stations that used to be under the SOGENER.

"I visited the Varreux power plant," President Jovenel said in a tweet, "in order to supervise the work in progress."

"At the same time, I urge the public to be patient in our unremitting struggle to soon realize the promise of electric power distribution across the country."

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President Jovenel Moise visits Varreux power plant Haiti

President Jovenel Moise visits Varreux power plant Haiti

President Jovenel Moise seen walking around Varreux power plant Haiti, recently under the control of the Société Générale d'Enérgie S.A. (Sogener)

The government has since taken control back of the Varreux power stations which is a property of the State.

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Haiti Electricity - President Jovenel Moise visits Varreux Power Plant

Haiti Electricity - President Jovenel Moise visits Varreux Power Plant

Here is a photograph of the president Jovenel Moise and his entourage walking around at the Varreux power station that was under the control of SOGENER until recently.

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President Jovenel Moise is taking a tour inside Varreux Power Plant

President Jovenel Moise is taking a tour inside Varreux Power Plant

Here we can see Haiti President Jovenel Moise walking inside the Varreux power power station that used to be run by SOGENER.

On Monday December 16, 2019, Haitian president Jovenel Moise visited one of the Varreux power stations that used to be under the SOGENER.

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